Saturday, February 27, 2016

Famous Poster Designers

Armin Hofmann

The posters he created in the late 1950s and 1960s for cultural clients such as the Kunsthalle Basel and the Stadttheater Basel possess great typographic and photographic purity of form. His designs represent an idea in it’s most pure form as possible for example, he uses an altered photo of an ear to represent sound.


Studio Dumbar

Studio Dumbar’s work is colorful and a perfect example of typography being integrated into a design. The studio uses stretching and pulling to push type to the point of near illegibility.

Paula Scher

Scher is included in this list because of the way she turns and organizes type to create modules and interesting pattern in her posters for the NY Public Theater. Scher also uses vibrant color and lines to organize and call attention to different aspects of her designs.


Joesf Muller-Brockmann

Josef’s work can be categorized as Swiss International Style. Brockmann utilizes this rigid structural system while at the same time integrating his type into his designs and images in an interesting manner.  

Herbert Matter

Matter’s work is included on this list because of his unique type treatment in titles. Particularly in the magazine Art and Architecture.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Summary of Abbott Miller's Branding has become oppressive.

Here is a link to the article I am summarizing:

This article is short and sweet. Abbott Miller is frustrated with the world of branding. When Miller first started out he had to sell his designs to companies and persuade them that branding was essential to a great company. Nowadays companies understand that they need to have a brand. Miller, however, believes that rather than force a stick brand onto a company, that designers should create identities or something more malleable to the changing world and climate of the work place. Brand tends to lose the individuality of different aspects of a company. Forcing the whole company into just one mold. One interesting piece of advice I gleamed from this article is that Miller tends to immerse himself in the history and research before he begins designing. This way he is able to design from a more natural place and his designs seem to clearly align with the company.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Typography questions

What are the advantages of a multiple column grid?
multicolumn grids provide flexible formats for publications that have a complex hierarchy or that integrate text and illustrations. The more columns you create, the more flexible your grid becomes.

How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
50-60 characters and 12-15 words

Why is the baseline grid used in design?
Baseline grids serve to anchor all (or nearly all) layout elements to a common rhythm.

What are reasons to set type justified? ragged (unjustified)?
Justified text makes a clean shape on the page. Its efficient us of space makes it norm for newspapers and books. Unjustified type respects the organic flow of language and avoids the uneven spacing

What is a typographic river?
In typography, rivers, or rivers of white, are gaps in typesetting, which appear to run through a paragraph of text, due to a coincidental alignment of spaces.

What does clothesline, hang-line or flow line mean?
When body text can “hang” from a common line it is called a hang-line

What is type color/texture mean?
Type texture is when you mix something like a big type with a small skinny type to create a visual texture.

How does x-height effect type color?
 A large x-height increases the negative space within each letter, so colors will appear lighter in more white space.

What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Create a line of space between two paragraphs, you can also indent, however you never indent and also put a line of space between two paragraphs because you are signifying the same break twice.